17 November 2012

Liebster Award (゜ω゜)

It's been forever since I updated... And this was supposed to be posted along time ago.
My other comp crashed & died, I just got this new comp today. All my other posts & pics were lost with my old comp, so it'll take me awhile before I post again.

 The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

I was tagged by the lovely Mzx NiNi here's her post about the Liebster Award.

Questions asked by NiNi:

1. What's your favorite blog?
I don't really have a favorite blog... I follow all blogs I like xD

2. What feature do you love the most about yourself?
hmmmm.... idk. My eyes?

3. What's your favorite thing to shop for?
I love shopping for everything, but especially makeup & cute tops.

4. What's your favorite Gyaru style?
I don't really have a favorite style. I like ALL the styles. 

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
hmmm... I travel alot... been many places, but never been to Germany or Findland or Switzerland... so any one of those places would be amazing!!!

6. What's your favorite post on your own blog?
I don't have a favorite post, but if I have to choose, it would be my haul posts.

7. What's something that you can't leave the house without?
Other than clothes, 

8. Why do you blog?
Originally I started blogging because of family & friends, but now it's for personal therapy. I'm very self  conscious & have low self esteem. But after blogging I met alot of beautiful & nice people that support me for who I am. So now I blog for myself as well as those who are actually interested in me.

9. What's your favorite nail polish color?
hmmmmm... It would be a shimmery pink/gold color. It's a color great for any occasion & I can draw any designs on it.

10. Are you quiet or outgoing?
Both. It depends on the day & my mood. I'm shy around new people, but I'm really outgoing at the same time. I love traveling & going out.

11. What is the last thing that you bought?
Food: pasta
Drink: horchata
Clothes: cardigan/sweater
Makeup: eyelashes

I think this is my 2nd time getting the Liebster Award. I'm not going to tag anyone this time, but feel free to answer the same questions above in the comments below if you like ^^

I didn't do the 11 things about me. Here is the other one where I filled everything out ----> HERE

Thanks again Mzx Nini for giving me this award ^^

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