I have a head cold + sinus pressure. Both of my ears ache & so does my jaw.
I can barely hear anything + nose is stuffed up + constant migraine +
tired.... extremely drained. Been staying in bed, eating hot hot porridge, drinking
hot hot tea, and taking hot hot bathes although it's hot as hell!!! But whatever.
My ears feel like they are about to burst. It's rare for me to get sick, but when I do,
it's freakin awful. The sickness will last at least 2 weeks.
Having to take meds every 2-4 hours sucks. I hate pills & even worse syrup...
onto the other news.
Having to take meds every 2-4 hours sucks. I hate pills & even worse syrup...
onto the other news.
As you know, my dog, Julie just had surgery on Wed. 20th & came home Thurs. 21st.
I've been doing rehab with her so her leg doesn't go stiff. She's doing pretty well w/it.
She moves her right hind leg on her own most of the time.
She takes the ice therapy pretty well too.