01 February 2013

Noooo more Braces!!!!! ~(>o<)~

On January 30, 2013...
I finally got my braces off! It was about a year & a half that I had braces on.
Feels so weird now that I got them off... I have room to move my tongue and well, it's so much easier to eat now xD lol. I can finally talk w/out stuttering.

It feels so good! I don't think I have any good pics of me smiling & showing off my braces lol. I hate smiling w/my teeth showing. But here's a pic I found when I still had my braces... It's so awkward to smile this way >.>

AND now here's me w/out braces... *awkward smile*
Took about 2 hours to take them off& then sign some paperwork as well as talk to my orthodontist about my retainer.